
Nezha jiangshi stream cinema 5movies genre fantasy

Nezha jiangshi - by mjBcVlri, February 12, 2020
4.6/ 5stars






  1. Movie info=Ne Zha zhi mo tong jiang shi is a movie starring Yanting Lü, Joseph, and Mo Han. Born with unique powers, a boy is recruited to fight demons and save the community that fears him
  2. Writed by=Yu Yang
  3. Yu Yang
  4. audience Score=2793 Votes
  5. Actor=Hao Chen

Nezha zhi motong jiangshi. Nezha motong jiangshi. Nezha zhi motong jiangshi eng.



I kind of had a high hope for this animation because I've seen a lot of people were saying that this animation was so popular in China and a lot of people created a lot of accounts on Weibo. So, as long as I've seen it's out, I immediately watched it. Nezha mo tong jiang shi soundtrack.


Before I watched this animation, Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi, I've seen in a lot of reviews that Nezha is very ugly. I kind of agreed with them until I knew the reason why they decided to create him that way instead of cute and handsome kind of kid. It's because of who he is. So, I no longer think that Nezha is so ugly.



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